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Femme en équilibre - Yoga et santé de la femme

Women's health

Find your own balance to dance through life.

Support you during every phase and transition of your life.

From puberty to menopause, our bodies go through many transitions.

I  am  there for you  to help  to cross them gently.


Help teenage girls get through this time of change and provide them with natural options for acne, eating disorders, PMS, menstrual cramps, stress and more.

Preparing for pregnancy

Maximize your chances of conception through dietary recommendations, herbalism, and  stress management methods to boost your fertility.

Pregnancy and Post-Partum

Fatigue, nausea, pain, stress, reduced immunity ...

Natural and safe solutions exist to support you during each trimester as well as during the postpartum period.

Hormonal imbalances

I would advise and support you in case of adult acne, menstrual cramps, irregular or absent periods, thyroid disorders or any other woman's problem.

Chronic conditions

Endometriosis, PCOS, amenorrhea, fibroids, fertility disorders ... there are natural solutions to relieve pain and restore health balance.


Hot flashes, night sweats, nervousness, mood swings, fatigue, weight gain .. Naturopathic medicine offers a gentle approach to fight against the annoying symptoms of menopause and to live it more serenely. 


Schedule an appointment

If you still hesitate to start a Naturopathic follow-up, don't panic.  

Any change requires a little time to adapt and prepare. 
I suggest you contact me directly by email or phone to answer all your questions about the sessions.

You can also continue to explore the site  to discover my world a little more and know my approach to health.  

Goodbye !


Contact me  


Manon Coirre, Naturopath in Tahiti

+689 87775936


Do you want to know more about the appointments and the prices?  





Naturopathy does not replace the follow-up / opinion of the doctor, but it offers advice to improve your hygiene of life and can work in complementarity with it. If it does not heal, it can nonetheless relieve many discomforts.

Femme pratiquant le yoga. Équilibre du corps et de l'esprit
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Me contacter :

Manon Coirre, Naturopathe à Tahiti


+689 87 77 59 36



The information on this site is for informational purposes only.  and do not in any way replace medical advice. 
Please refer you to a health professional if necessary.

© 2020  by Manon Coirre 

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